Seminário da Física 23/06/2020
Título: Kink Collisions
Palestrante: Profa. Azadeh Mohammadi - UFPE.
Terça 23/06 às 16 horas via Google Meet
Resumo: In this talk, I present a toy model we designed in 1+1 dimensions with kink solutions. The stability equation in the model is analogous to the Schrödinger equation with square-well potential. We modified the square well potential continuously, which allows the excitation to tunnel and consequently turns the normal modes of the kink into quasinormal modes. We have investigated the kink excitations as well as kink-antikink collisions and the resulting scaling and fractal structure of the resonance windows considering both normal and quasinormal modes. Besides that, I present a class of \phi^4n models with kink solutions where both tails of the kinks are long-range using a recently developed method of an accelerated kink ansatz to estimate the force between the kink and the antikink. The correct methods to study the collision of the kinks with long-range tails have been appearing recently in the literature invalidating many previous results reported in the literature.
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