Seminário da Física 18/05/2021
Título: An Effective Model for Glueballs and Dual Superconductivity
Palestrante: Adamu Issifu (UFPB)
Data: 18/05/2021 às 16 horas via Zoom e via canal do PPGF no YouTube
Resumo: In this work we investigate confinement of glueballs and dual superconducting phase, using the phenomenon of Abelian dominance at low energy regime of QCD theory. We used a complex scalar field φ coupled with a modified gauge field G(φ)F_μνF^μν and its dual ~F _μν ~F^μν. The dual field leads to electromagnetic interactions among the scalar field and its complex conjugate at high particle density region (high energy). The system then undergoes spontaneous symmetry breaking process through Abelian Higgs mechanism to a relatively low energy, where the fields modify into glueballs, η. This process is mediated by the modified gauge field leading to color confinement. Accordingly, the dual superconducting phase can be studied at the region of high glueball condensation, η → 0.
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