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Seminário da Física 08/06/2021

Publicado: Domingo, 06 de Junho de 2021, 14h27 | Última atualização em Terça, 15 de Junho de 2021, 12h58 | Acessos: 1780

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Título: Neutron Stars: Reflections in the Mirror
Palestrante: Maurício HIppert (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)

Data: 08/06/2021 às 16 horas via Zoom e via canal do PPGF no YouTube

Resumo: The structure of compact stars reflects their particle content and nature's fundamental forces. In particular, we discuss how ongoing neutron star observations constrain models of cold ultradense matter, and can bring new insight on the phase diagram of the strong interaction. Exceptionally promising prospects are offered by gravitational-wave detection, which might also reveal entirely new, exotic compact objects with faint or nonexistent visible signatures. We also address this possibility, by considering compact stars made entirely of mirror matter, a dark matter candidate related to Standard-Model matter via a discrete symmetry. Taking the minimal Mirror Twin Higgs as our benchmark model, and using realistic equations of state, we calculate the structure of mirror neutron stars, degenerate objects made of mirror nuclear matter. Their detectability with gravitational waves and binary pulsars is discussed.

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Acesse e se inscreva no nosso canal do YouTube: Canal PPGF UFCG 

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