Seminário da Física 15/03/2022
Title: "Sources of Concentric Gravity Waves Generated by a Moving Mesoscale Convective System in São Martinho da Serra."
Speaker: Dr. Prosper Nyassor (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais-INPE)
Investigation of sources of gravity waves with concentric wavefronts excited by a moving Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) on the night of October 1 - 2, 2019 were conducted. Using 2D spectral analysis, the horizontal wave parameters of the concentric gravity waves (CGWs) have been estimated. By backward ray tracing, the propagation of the CGWs in the atmosphere from the observation altitude to the source position was studied. The determined possible source locations suggest that these waves were excited by the MCS. Further investigations showed that there are several convective overshooting regions within the MCS at the time the ray tracing indicated the wave can be excited. Therefore, a new methodology has been developed to determine the most likely convective overshooting regions that excited the observed CGWs.
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